Family Constellation therapy aspires to make a positive impact on a larger scale, promoting healing, understanding, and unity in the world.

Family Constellation therapy seeks to contribute to the healing of the world by addressing and transforming patterns of pain, trauma, and conflict that exist within individuals, families, and communities.

Family Constellation Therapy, also known as Systemic Constellation Therapy or Family/Systemic Constellations, is a therapeutic approach that originated from the work of Bert Hellinger, a German psychotherapist.

It aims to address and resolve hidden dynamics within families or systems that may be causing emotional and psychological issues in individuals.

Family Constellation Services We Offer

All our services have options available for payment plans. Feel free to get in touch with us to discuss your needs.

Meet the Team at Family Balance NZ

Jo's hometown is Tauranga, Aotearoa/New Zealand, and was born in Taupo, New Zealand. Her ancestors are Swiss German, Scottish, and Irish, and she is the youngest of three children.

Jo's primary passion is Family Constellation Therapy, which she pursues alongside her postgraduate studies in counselling and guidance. Her husband, John, has joined the team, and together they conduct workshops focusing on relationships.

In addition to holding a teaching degree specialising in special education, Jo is a trained facilitator in Family Constellations, sensitive Yin Yoga, and Reiki. She is deeply committed to offering Family Constellation Therapy to communities and individuals, as it consistently provides healing experiences beyond her expectations.

Throughout her life, Jo has navigated her own generational and personal traumas. She finds Family Constellation work profoundly transformative and healing, considering it to be truly magical and freeing.

What Is Family Balance NZ?

Family Balance NZ is a unique and innovative team of family constellation facilitators, dedicated to healing and enhancing family dynamics through the transformative practice of family constellation therapy. This concept centres around the idea that each family is a complex web of interconnected relationships and emotions, and that understanding and healing these bonds can lead to greater harmony and well-being.

The team of facilitators specialises in multigenerational healing, acknowledging that family patterns and traumas can transcend generations. They work with clients to uncover hidden dynamics that might be affecting their lives and relationships today, often reaching back several generations.

What Is Constellation Therapy?

Family Constellation Therapy is a therapeutic approach rooted in systemic constellations, aiming to address and resolve unresolved family dynamics, intergenerational patterns, and emotional conflicts that may be affecting an individual's well-being.

This therapy aims to resolve conflicts and traumas by acknowledging and honouring the past, creating a new awareness of the family system, and facilitating a shift in perceptions and emotions. By doing so, it is believed that healing can extend through generations.

A key principle of this therapy is that unresolved issues or emotions can be carried across generations, impacting the mental, emotional, and even physical well-being of family members. Family Constellation Therapy seeks to break destructive patterns and promote healing across multiple generations.

After Your session

After participating in a Family Constellation session, it is important to engage in self-care to process and integrate the experience.  Allow yourself some quiet time after the session.


October 28 - November 11, 2024

Reconnect with your roots in more ways than one – both to your ancestral lineage and to the ancient soul of the Himalayas. "Discover the hidden threads that weave your family's story together through Family Constellation Therapy. This transformative approach delves into the intricate dynamics and connections that shape your family system across generations. Uncover the patterns, unresolved emotions, and ancestral influences that may be impacting your life today.

Guided by Family Balance NZ, you'll embark on a journey of exploration, gaining insights that can lead to healing, understanding, and a greater sense of personal and familial harmony.


Nau mai, haere mai Tena koutou Tena koutou Tena koutou katoa.